Curriculum Vitae: Erin L. Smith, Ph.D.

  • PhD Exceptional Learning – Literacy (2015) Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, TN

    Dissertation: DC Comics’ Joker is such a Hamlet: Improving the quality of adolescent writing through Shakespearean plays and modern film

    M. Ed. Instructional Leadership (2021) TDOE Assistant Principal Network, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN

    M.A. English (2007) Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN

    Thesis: Saving Victorian Masculinity

    B.S. Secondary Education: English (2004), Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN

  • Professional TN Teaching License (2004 to Present) English/Language Arts: Grades 7–12; ESL K-12

    Beginning TN School Administrator License (2021-2024)

    Mentor Matters Micro-Credential (May 2022)

  • ACT Certified Educator: Basics, English & Reading (April 2021)

    TEAM Evaluator (2019-2021)

    18 semester hours (doctorate level) in Quantitative Data & Qualitative Data-Based Collection, Evaluation, and Research: Qualified to teach data-based research courses at Masters and Ph.D. levels.

  • Alvin C. York Institute, Jamestown, TN (2007 to Present) Classroom Teacher – English I, English II, English III, English IV & Dual Enrollment English 1010/1020 [Develop course syllabi; teach English courses at grade levels 9-12; design and deliver teacher training; conducted TEAM evaluations for teachers (2019-2020)]

    Curriculum Writer, College Spring, Walnut Creek, CA (November 2022 to Present) [Contract Test Prep Material Writer: Writing Digital SAT Student and Teacher Facing Materials]

    ELA CONSULTANT Grades 6-12/ Robertson County Board of Education (July 2019—May 2022) [Designed and delivered professional development for ELA teacher leaders and instructional coaches (grades 6-12) based on consultations with instructional supervisors; designed walk through “look fors” based on training focus/goals for implementation by instructional supervisors and school level administrators; provided support and coaching for teacher leaders and instructional coaches throughout the academic year.]

    Tennessee Department of Education Textbook Committee: ELA Content Reviewer (2019-2020) [Attended extensive standards/content training with TDOE, reviewed curricula submitted to TDOE by publishing houses to be considered for statewide adoption into approved curricula, and provided feedback on curricula alignment to TDOE ELA curriculum goals and standards alignment.]

    Tennessee Department of Education Training Facilitator (April – June 2017) [Attended extensive ELA standards training and led TDOE sponsored training of teachers from across the state in the revised ELA 9-12 standards for implementation in the 2017-2018 school year.]

    Roane State Community College (2008 — Present) [Adjunct instructor of English. Design and teach curriculum for ENGL 1010/1020 and developmental writing.]

    Tennessee Technological University (2016 — Present) [Adjunct instructor of English. Design and teach curriculum for ENGL 1010/1020. Serve as teacher mentor for the Upper Cumberland Writing Project—a local chapter of the National Writing Project.]

  • Alvin C. York Institute Remote Learning Parent, Guardian & Student Handbook (July 2020) Published in collaboration with the Tennessee Department of Education for the parents, guardians, and students of Alvin C. York Institute.

    The Upward Climb: Spiral Learning Workbook (May 2020) Developed and published for Robertson County Teacher Literacy Leaders (6-8 grade), ELA Leaders (9-12), and ELA Instructional Coaches (6-12); based on the Tennessee Academic Standards for ELA.

  • Emphasizing Text-Based Writing across the Curriculum (September 2015) [York Institute, Jamestown, TN]

    Picture Books as Mentor Texts in the High School Writing Classroom (Dec. 2016/Jan. 2017) [UCWP Invitational Residency Institute Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN]

    Thinking like a Writer (November 2018) [Smith County ELA Teachers 5-12 grade Smith County High School, Carthage, TN]

    Grammar as a Tool instead of Just a Rule (April 2019) [Bradley County ELA Teachers 6-12 grade Lake Forest Middle School, Cleveland, TN]

    Reading, Writing & Grammar in Context: The Integrated ELA Classroom (2019-2020) [Robertson County Schools, Springfield, TN]

    Teaching College, Career & Community Ready Students (July 2019) [York Institute, Jamestown, TN]

    Standards, Spirals & Connections: The Big Picture of 9-12/6-8 ELA (2020-2021) [Robertson County Schools, Springfield, TN]

    Writing to Read, Writing to Learn & Learning to Write (2021-2022) [Robertson County Schools, Springfield, TN]

    Nonfiction Reading & ACT (July 2021) [York Institute, Jamestown, TN]

  • Teaching with Film: More than just pressing “play” (June 2015) [Presented at the TTU-IRA Conference Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN]

    Engaging all Students in Reading and Writing Instruction for Post-Secondary and Work Place Success (October 2015) [Presented at the Tennessee LEAD Conference, Nashville, TN]

    Children’s Books in Middle and Secondary Writing Classrooms (June 2016) [Presented at the TTU-IRA Conference Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN]

    Atticus Finch: Hero or Menace? (June 2016) [Presented at the TTU-IRA Conference Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN]

    Using Children’s Books with Adolescents to Foster Writing about Reading (June 2016) [Presented at the Upper Cumberland READ Conference, White County High School, Sparta, TN]

    Popular Culture and the ELA Classroom: Meaningful Connections & Powerful Writing (July 2016) [Presented at the Upper Cumberland READ Conference, White County High School, Sparta, TN]

    You Oughta Be In Pictures: The Importance of Representation of Media & Social Justice Advocacy (November 2016) [Presented at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA]

    Integrating Grammar, Reading, and Writing Instruction—Using Mentor Text (July 2017) [Presented at the Upper Cumberland READ Conference, Prescott South Middle School, Cookeville TN]

    Integrating Grammar, Reading, and Writing Instruction—Using Mentor Text (October 2017) [Presented at the Tennessee LEAD Conference, Music City Center, Nashville, TN]

    Wading into the Deep: Introducing Students to Intertextuality (July 2018) [Presented at the Upper Cumberland READ Conference, Prescott South Middle School, Cookeville, TN]

    Reading Like a Writer: Integrating Reading, Writing, & Grammar Instruction Using Mentor Texts (LEAD 2018) [Presented at the Tennessee LEAD Conference, Music City Center, Nashville, TN]