Professional Development Overview:
The Language & Scope of the Standards
This learning series focuses on developing an in-depth understanding of the depth, rigor, and application of the Tennessee ELA learning standards for grades 9-12. Educators taking part in this learning series will:
Explore the language of the standards
Develop a tiered learning plan identifying how expectations for students advance from one grade level to the next
Explore connections between the ELA standards and the performance standards for the ACT English and Reading Subtests
Work with instructional strategies to assist in planning learning activities reflecting the depth and language of the standard(s) as well as developing expectations of growth from one grade level to the next.
Reflect on (revising where needed) learning expectations across grade levels—making direct correlations to the full expectations of the ELA standards
Module 1: “Using the language of the standards to identify “actions demonstrating learning”
This session focuses on deepening understanding of the language of the 9-12 ELA standards. Training begins with participants examining standards specifically for the “actions demonstrating learning.” Next, participants examine (in their school groups) the expectations/assessment of the “actions demonstrating learning” across each grade band (i.e. 9/10 and 11/12). Participants work within their school groups to create a tiered learning map illustrating the evolution of “actions demonstrating learning” as students move through each grade level.
Module 2: “Knowing where we are going: ELA standards and ACT Performance Standards”
This session builds on learning from Day 1 by expanding the discussion of “actions demonstrating learning” to an analysis of the ways in which students are expected to apply learning from the ELA standards on the ACT English and Reading subtests. The training begins with an overview of the skills assessed on each subtest and the direct correlations TDOE has identified between the ELA standards and the performance standards for each ACT subtest (ACT Connections: Tennessee Academic Standards and ACT Subtests, TDOE, 2018). Participants delve into ACT test items for application of the identified standards guided by two questions: 1) What does the ELA standard look like in application on the ACT? 2) How must students apply their knowledge based on this standard?
Module 3: “What, Why and How: Instructional Strategies”
This session builds on tiered instruction from Day 1 and connections made to ACT performance standards in Day 2 by focusing on instructional strategies to help reach the scope and rigor of the standards at each grade level. Emphasis is placed on what students are learning, why they need to learn it (realistic application beyond inclusion on the standards), and how students demonstrate what they have learned. Participants explore key standards and relevant lesson frames/templates designed for use with grade-level texts in conjunction with the tiered instruction plan to avoid lesson duplication across grade levels.
Module 4: “Knowing Where We’re Going Takes Knowing Where We’ve Been: An Exercise in Reflection”
This session brings together all the work participants have done throughout the academic year. Participants work within their school groups on a reflective document created from the ACT Connections: Tennessee Academic Standards and ACT Subtests (TDOE, 2018) and the curriculum review worksheets provided by ACT. Participants utilize the tiered instructional plans created in their school groups to reflect on where and when standards are taught within the 9-12 curriculum, what students are doing to demonstrate learning, and at what points students are expected to reach proficiency and mastery of identified performance skills.
Click Here to View the Participant Spiraled Learning Workbook